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Andorians.* Passionate and violent humanoid civilization from the planet Andoria. The Andorians are members of the Federation, and in appearance they have beautiful blue skin, white hair and two antennae on their head. ("Journey to Babel" [TOS]). Andorian marriages generally require four people. ("Data's Day" [TNG]). There was an abandoned Andorian colony on the border of Sector 221-G in Federation space. The Nelkarites scavenged the site, using bits and pieces in their buildings on Nelkar. (Bk III: page 98) Argelius II.* Planet whose location makes it a strategically important spaceport. Argelius II is home to a humanoid culture that is peaceful, hedonistic, and known for its hospitality. ("Wolf in the Fold" [TOS]). In 2371, while on shore leave on Argelius II, Lieutenant Burgoyne met legendary engineer Captain Montgomery Scott. The two talked and Scott introduced Burgoyne to real Scots whiskey, which Burgoyne continues to favor.(Bk III: page 54) Atol. Thallonian soldier who served aboard the science vessel Kayven Ryin. In 2373, just before their runabout Marquand was destroyed, Lieutenant Zak Kebron and Si Cwan beamed aboard the Kayven Ryin. Atol and a fellow guard, Skarm, attempted to capture them but were killed in the attempt. (Bk III: page 73) Ayre, Lieutenant Kristian. Starfleet Officer assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise-E in 2373. She manned the conn on the bridge when the ship ventured to Starbase Deep Space 5 to pick up Admiral Jellico. (Bk I: page 101) Aziza. New provisional governor of Nelkar. Aziza was a dour and downbeat man who took over after Celter was killed in office. Aziza opened arms to the Thallonian refugees from the Cambon who had been used by Laheera and Celter. (Bk IV: page 52) Barsamis. Somewhat disreputable man who at sometime in the past saved the life of Mackenzie Calhoun. In 2373 Barsamis made a deal to buy an Orion slave girl, Zina, from slave dealer Krassus. Krassus violated the deal and killed Barsamis. Calhoun avenged his death in 2373. (Bk I: page 145) Battle of Chernobog. SEE: Chernobog, Battle of. Battle of Condacin. SEE: Condacin, Battle of. Bendii Syndrome.* Rare, incurable and fatal illness that sometimes affects Vulcans over the age of 200. The disease is characterized by gradual loss of emotional control; victims exhibit bursts of emotion and irrational anger. In 2373, Dr. Selar thought she had detected the first signs of Bendii Syndrome in herself. The symptoms were caused by Dr. Selar's unexpected onset of Pon farr. (Bk III: page 106) Beth, Ensign Ronni. Starfleet officer assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur while under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. In 2373, Beth was assigned to the engineering department. (Bk IV: page 76) This character was named after author Peter David's sister Ronni Beth David. Boretskee. Thallonian man who, along with his wife Cary, were among the 47 refugees that obtained passage from Sector 221-G aboard the Cambon. Boretskee and Cary spoke for the rest of the refugees when they accepted Laheera's offer to resettle on her homeworld of Nelkar. Boretskee was later killed by Laheera as a sign that she was serious when she demanded technology in trade for the lives of the refugees. (Bk III: page 16, Bk IV: page 5) Boyajian. Tall, black-haired Starfleet officer assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur in 2373 while under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. Lieutenant Boyajian was in the security department and was a relief tactical officer. He was cross-trained and often took over bridge positions such as Operations or the Conn. (Bk III: page 6, Bk IV: page 14) Boyajian also appeared in two previous STAR TREK: The Next Generation novels by Peter David, Strike Zone (March 1989) and Vendetta (May 1991). Bragonier. Powerfully built Danteri man, member of the royal house of Danteri. (Bk I: page 43) Briggs. Cadet at Starfleet Academy in 2357. (Academy #1)
Burgy. Nickname used by Commander Shelby to refer to his Chief Engineer Burgoyne 172. (Bk II: page 37) ![]() Calhoun, Mackenzie. Starfleet officer assigned as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Excalibur in 2373. Calhoun was born M'k'n'zy in the village of Calhoun on the planet Xenex. (Bks 1- IV) SEE: The Mackenzie Calhoun page Calhoun. Village on the planet Xenex. M'k'n'zy was from Calhoun. When he entered Starfleet Academy he adopted the name Mackenzie Calhoun, since M'k'n'zy was difficult for humans to pronounce. (Bk I: page 8)
Cary. Thallonian woman who, along with her husband Boretskee, were among the 47 refugees that obtained passage from Sector 221-G aboard the Cambon. Boretskee and Cary spoke for the rest of the refugees when they accepted Laheera's offer to resettle on her homeworld of Nelkar. Boretskee was later killed by Laheera as a sign that she was serious when she demanded technology in trade for the lives of the refugees. (Bk III: page 16, Bk IV: page 8) Celter, Governor. Governor of the city of Selinium, the capital of the planet Nelkar. Laheera was Celter's right arm, and she acted in his interests. Laheera demanded that Captain Calhoun give her Starfleet technology or else she would execute 48 refugees. To demonstrate her resolve, she slit Hufmin's throat. Calhoun played out a gambit that resulted in Laheera admitting that she didn't care if half a million of her people died as long as she got the technology. Governor Celter was mobbed and torn apart along with Laheera by enraged Nelkarites after a recording of Laheera's sociopathic statements was broadcast by the Excalibur. (Bk IV: page 5, 20) Chernobog, Battle of. Space battle in which a Starfleet freighter convoy was ambushed by Klingon forces. Clark, Commander. Starfleet officer who taught hand-to-hand combat at the Academy in 2357. Comar IV. Planet that was a member of the former Thallonian Empire. Comar IV was the home planet of Captain Hufmin, master of the freighter Cambon. (Bk II: page 81)
Condacin, Battle of. A Xenexian victory against the Danteri in 2353. M'k'n'zy turned the
tides in what the Danteri thought would be the preeminent military strike of the century.
(Bk I: page 12)
Crusher, Jack R.* (Doug Wert). Starfleet officer, husband to Beverly Crusher, and father to Wesley Crusher.
Jack Crusher, a close friend to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, served aboard the U.S.S. Stargazer under the command
of Picard. Jack Crusher was present at the Federation-hosted meeting on Xenex in 2353 between the
Danteri and Xenexian peoples. Picard presided. M'k'n'zy and D'ndai represented Xenex and Bragonier
represented Danteri interests. (Bk I: page 44) Crusher was killed in an away mission in 2354, when his son was
only five years old. ("Encounter at Farpoint, Parts I and II" [TNG]).
Dachow. Cowardly Thallonian sycophant who sided with Zoran Si Verdin when Si Cwan's family was deposed in 2373. Si Cwan met Dachow on the Kayven Ryin and killed him after goading the toady into attacking. (Bk III: page 43) Danter. Planet located in sector 221-H, homeworld to the Danteri people and seat of the Danterian Empire. Danterian Empire. Group of worlds under the control of the Danteri. (Bk I: page 45) Danteri. Technologically sophisticated species of sentient humanoids, of which Ryjaan was a member. The Danteri had dark bronze skin. The Danteri conquered the Xenexians and ruled over them for 300 years. In the mid-2350's, the Federation Council began considering admitting the Danteri to the Federation because the Danterian Empire consisted of a strategically located group of worlds. Within twenty years they joined the Federation. The Xenexians rebelled against the Danteri and the two peoples fought for several years. Led by M'k'n'zy of Calhoun and aided by the Thallonian government, the Xenexians overthrew the Danteri in 2353. (Bk I: page 4, Bk IV: page 10, 93) Danterian law. There is a provision in Danterian law called the Final Challenge which pertains to capital cases. The state usually opts to humanely execute criminals convicted of capital offenses, but if a family member of the victim desires, they can make a Final Challenge in which the family member fights the convict. If the convict triumphs, he can go free, but if he loses, then the family member can execute him in any way they desire - including slow torture. (Bk IV: page 133-134) Deep Space 5.* Federation base. (Bk I: page 102) (In an alternate quantum reality visited by Worf in 2370, DS5 was the object of covert surveillance by the Cardassians, who had programmed the Argus Array to observe the station, as well as other Federation installations.) ("Parallels" [TNG]). Deep Space 5 is the Federation starbase nearest to Thallonian space. After the fall of the Thallonian Empire, refugee ships from the area flocked to DS5. In 2373, the U.S.S. Enterprise-E, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, traveled to Deep Space 5 to host a high-level conference on the Thallonian situation. Present at the meeting were Admirals Nechayev and Jellico, Captain Picard, Commander William Riker, Ambassadors Spock and Ryjaan, and former Prince Lord Si Cwan. (Bk I: page 102) SEE: Thallonian Summit. Delina. Danterian man who was aid to the warlord Falkar in 2353. Delina gave his life for Falkar when he took the impact of a boulder in a rock slide created by M'k'n'zy of Calhoun. (Bk I: page 11) DelVecchio, Anita. Starfleet officer who attended Starfleet Academy at the same time as Worf. (Academy #1) Dream Team. Group of five Starfleet Academy cadets that were in the class of 2357. The team was comprised of Worf, Mark McHenry, Soleta, Zak Kebron and Tania Tobias. The five cadets were often called the "dream team" because their various talents, specialties and temperaments complemented one another and they were quite effective at the various missions they were sent on together. (Academy #2) Edins, House of. Politically powerful Danterian family of which Falkar and his son Ryjaan were members. (Bk IV: page 138)
Eppy. Pet name used by Mackenzie Calhoun to refer to Elizabeth Paula Shelby. She did not much care for the name. (Bk II: page 45)
Falkar. Danterian warlord , father of Ryjaan, and member of the House of Edins. Falkar clashed swords with M'k'n'zy of Calhoun during the Xenexian Rebellion of 2353. Like most Danterians, Falkar underestimated the resolve of the Xenexian people. Falkar also had no idea what he was up against when he clashed with M'k'n'zy. In the sword battle, Falkar managed to give M'k'n'zy a deep slash on his right cheek. Calhoun turned the tide and defeated the warlord, killing him. M'k'n'zy of Calhoun thereafter kept Falkar's sword as a reminder to always watch his back. (Bk I: page 3, Bk IV: page 138)
Final Challenge. Provision in Danterian law which pertains to capital cases. The Danterian state usually opts to humanely execute criminals convicted of capital offenses, but if a family member of the victim desires, they can make a Final Challenge in which the family member fights the convict. If the convict triumphs, he can go free, but if he loses, then the family member can execute him in any way they desire - including slow torture. (Bk IV: page 133) Fincher, Admiral. Starfleet officer who was the Dean of Students at Starfleet Academy in 2357. Barely over 5 feet tall, round face, white hair. After Kebron and Worf were caught fighting on their first day as cadets, Fincher assigned them to be roommates together. In section 24, room 7. (Academy #1) Finnegan, Sean. Cadet at the Academy who in 2357 tried to follow in his great grandfather's footsteps by pulling practical jokes on other cadets, starting with Worf. One punch from Worf cured him of that idea. (Academy #1) For fun, Finnegan pushed cadet Selar into the Academy swimming pool not learning until it was too late that Selar could not swim. (Bk III: page 64-65) Fire Falls. Scenic spot on the planet Thallon. The Fire Falls was a special place for Si Cwan and his younger sister Kallinda. (Bk III: page 36) first contact.* The subject of first contact was so important to the Federation, that an entire class at Starfleet Academy was devoted to First Contact Procedures. (Bk III: page 93) flamebird. Type of avian life-form indigenous to the planet Ricca IV. (Bk IV: page 169) Gauntlet, The. Area of space within the former Thallonian Empire, located in the Lemax System. The Gauntlet was a region in which two warring planetary governments had constantly clashed until being subjugated by the Thallonian Empire around 2270. With the fall of the Thallonian Empire in 2373, the Gauntlet became a hot spot once more. (Bk II: page 82) Giniv. Vulcan woman and old friend of Selar. Giniv met Selar at the spaceport when Selar returned to Vulcan in 2372 to Pon farr with her husband, Voltak. (Bk I: page 86) Goddard, Commander Seth. Starfleet officer who in 2373 was attached to Starfleet Central in San Francisco. Goddard contacted Lieutenant Soleta to tell her that she was being transferred from being a Starfleet Academy instructor to the post of Science Officer aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur. (Bk I: page 164) Gondi desert. Vast, sweeping desert on Vulcan. The Gondi desert was the location of the very high Mount Tulleah. (Bk IV: page 99) gravity boots.* In 2373, Commander Shelby used gravity books to save Captain Calhoun when the surface of Thallon became completely unstable. (Bk IV: page 165) gravity compensator. Small device used by personnel from low or high density planets to allow them to move around in the Earth-normal gravity used aboard most Federation starships. Robin Lefler rigged one for Zak Kebron because he came from the low density planet Brikar. (Bk II: page 40) Great Bird of the Galaxy. A mythic figure in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Sulu invoked same when he thanked Janice Rand for bringing him lunch, saying "May the Great Bird of the Galaxy bless your planet." ("The Man Trap" [TOS]). The Great Bird was supposed to be a huge fiery bird that lived in open space. Some races consider the bird to be a bad omen. According to legend, there can be only one Great Bird at a time. When one bird senses its end was near, it will impart its essence into a world, gestate for centuries and then be reborn. The legend of this mythic figure was proven true when in 2373 the giant flame creature emerged from the planet Thallon. The planet cracked like an egg. Apparently, its presence within was the reason Thallon was so fertile and why it was such a source of natural energy. (Bk III: page 62, Bk IV: page 50, 51, 168, 169) Great Machines, The. Large devices used to tap the energy-rich ground of Thallon, to provide energy to the cities. The royal family on Thallon ascended to power in 2123 chiefly because they were the ones who first devised the Great Machines. (Bk IV: page 28)
![]() Herz. Thallonian man who was a guard at the royal palace in 2364. Herz was dismissed when Spock and Soleta escaped from the palace's dungeon. Herz resented Lord Si Cwan for getting him fired. Years later, Herz was employed by the new rulers of Thallon who took power after the overthrow of the monarchy. (Bk IV: page 65) Hibbs Disease. A disease which affects Vulcans. The early symptoms of Hibbs Disease are very similar to those of Bendii Syndrome or Telemioistis. (Bk III: page 106) hir. Pronoun used to refer to members of species possessed of both sexes, such as Hermats. Hir , pronounced 'heer', replaces the masculine pronoun 'him' and feminine pronoun 'her.' hirself. A reflexive form of the pronoun hir used in reference to members of species possessed of both sexes, such as Hermats. Hirself, pronounced 'HEER-self', is used in place of the mono-gendered pronouns 'himself' and 'herself.' hish. Possessive pronoun used to refer to members of species possessed of both sexes, such as Hermats. Hish is used in place of the Mono-gendered terms 'his' and 'hers.'
J'naii.* Technologically sophisticated species of sentient humanoids. The J'naii have culturally suppressed their sexual differentiation, having evolved beyond the need for separate genders, and reproduced by incubating their young in fibrous husks inseminated by both parents. ("The Outcast" [TNG]) The J'naii were, in many ways, the opposite of the Hermat people in which each individual possessed both genders instead of neither. (Bk II: page 108) Like the Hermats, the nature of the J'naii culture necessitated the use of different pronouns for common address, all individuals in their culture being referred to as "one" instead of "her" or "him." ("The Outcast" [TNG])
Jellico, Edward.* (Ronnie Cox). Starfleet officer. In 2367, Captain Jellico commanded the Starship Cairo and assisted in negotiating the armistice between the Federation and the Cardassian Union. In 2369, with tensions between the Cardassians and the Federation again on the rise, Jellico was given temporary command of the Enterprise-D for a meeting with the Cardassian ship, Reklar while Captain Picard was send on a covert mission into Cardassian space. Jellico was known for his efficient, demanding style of command. ("Chain of Command, Parts I and II" [TNG]). In 2370, Jellico was promoted to Admiral. In late 2373, the Thallonian Empire collapsed and a meeting was held aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-E to discuss how Starfleet should respond to the potentially volatile situation. Present at this Thallonian Summit were Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Riker, Admirals Nechayev and Jellico, former Thallonian prince Lord Si Cwan, Danteri Ambassador Ryjaan, and the 143-year-old Ambassador Spock. It was decided to send in a lone starship, the U.S.S. Excalibur, into the former Thallonian to render aid when necessary, to report back on the situation as it unfolded and to show the Federation flag in that unstable area. Over Admiral Jellico's objections, the command of the Excalibur was given to Captain Calhoun. (Bk I: page 103) Joining. The physical and mental merging that is undertaken by mated Vulcan couples as a consummation of their Pon farr. (Bk 1: page 93) Joining Place. Special location used by mated Vulcan couples as the setting for their Joining. (Bk 1: page 93) Juif. Short, stocky, aggressive Thallonian man that served aboard Zoran's ship the Kayven Ryin. Juif disliked Si Cwan, but was not as unhinged as Zoran in his quest to see Si Cwan dead. Years ago, Juif, Zoran, Rojam and Si Cwan used to be an inseparable quartet of friends. (Bk III: page 13, 86) Kallinda. Thallonian woman, younger sister of former prince Lord Si Cwan. He called her by the nickname, "Kally." After the fall of the Thallonian Empire, Si Cwan and Kallinda were to meet at a certain place. Kallinda didn't show up and Si Cwan feared she was dead. Zoran Si Verdin used Si Cwan's love for his sister to lure him into a trap. Kallinda's whereabouts and condition remain a mystery. (Bk II: page 31, Bk III: page 34) Kally. Nickname used by Si Cwan to refer to his younger sister Kallinda. (Bk I: page 79) katra.* The Vulcan concept of the soul, the living spirit. Just prior to death, Vulcan custom is to mind-meld with a friend who is entrusted with the duty of returning the katra to the individual's home. Spock mind-melded with Dr. McCoy just before his death in 2285, placing his katra in McCoy's subconscious. (STAR TREK III: The Search for Spock) In 2371, Selar entered Pon farr and she returned to Vulcan and met with her betrothed, Voltak. Voltak, suffered a massive coronary during the consummation of their marriage. Selar was caught off guard and her first thought was to break their mind-meld and help him medically. He died just as she broke mental contact and thus she was not able to retrieve his katra and it was lost. (Bk I: page 92) Kayven Ryin. Large Thallonian freelance science and exploration vessel converted for use by Zoran Si Verdin, Juif and Rojam. The ship had a crew of six and sported a small escape shuttle. On stardate 50926.1, they used a false distress call to lure Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. The runabout Marquand with Lieutenant Zak Kebron and Lord Si Cwan aboard, was sent to help. The Kayven Ryin was later destroyed by a thermite bomb with Kebron and Cwan aboard, but the two were rescued at the last minute by D'ndai, Calhoun's brother. (Bk II: page 139, Bk III: page 69)
Korsmo, Captain Morgan. Starfleet officer, commander of the Ambassador-class U.S.S. Excalibur when it was a part of Admiral Hayes's task force that engaged the Borg at Earth on stardate 50893. In a series of maneuvers designed to lure the Borg ship away from Earth, the Excalibur was caught and severely damaged by a Borg cutting beam. In the attack several members of the crew were killed and Captain Korsmo was severely injured. Rather than go to sickbay, Korsmo stayed on the bridge. His last act was to get his ship clear of the area and out of danger. Commander Shelby assumed command after Korsmo died at his post. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Morgan Korsmo were friends. They attended the Academy together and later fought the Borg at each other's side. (Bk I: page 133) Krassus. Large, overweight Orion slave trader. In 2372, Krassus double-crossed and murdered a friend of Mackenzie Calhoun over a slave girl, Zina. The following year, Calhoun met with Krassus on the Mojov Station and subsequently won Zina in a game of six-hand warhoon. While distracted by Zina, Krassus attacked Calhoun. Mackenzie fought and killed Krassus. (Bk I: page 144) Kreel. Aggressive warlike humanoid civilization. The Kreel had warp capability but were somewhat technologically limited. (Bk III: page 7) The Kreel were prominently featured in Peter David's first STAR TREK: The Next Generation novel Strike Zone (March 1989). The Kreel were also referenced in Mr. David's 1993 book Imzadi and in John Vornholt's 1994 Star Trek: The Next Generation book Contamination. Laheera. Nelkarite woman who was military head and right arm to Governor Celter. She commanded a ship that came upon the Excalibur while it was rendering aid to the Cambon. She opened fire on the Excalibur thinking that it was plundering the transport ship. Laheera offered to transport the 48 refugees to her planet, but Captain Calhoun took on that task himself. Once the refugees were on Nelkar, Laheera demanded that Calhoun give her Starfleet technology or else she would execute them. To demonstrate her resolve, she slit Hufmin's throat. Calhoun played out a gambit that resulted in Laheera admitting that she didn't care if half a million of her people died as long as she got the technology. Laheera and Governor Celter were mobbed and torn apart by enraged Nelkarites after a recording of Laheera's statements was broadcast by the Excalibur. (Bk III: page 10, 149, Bk IV: page 5, 49)
Lefler's Laws.* A series of 125 colloquialisms collected by Robin Lefler. She said her laws were her way
of remembering essential information. Wesley Crusher suggested the 103rd law. Lemax System. Planetary system within the former Thallonian Empire. The dangerous region of space known as the Gauntlet was located in Lemax system. (Bk II: page 82) Lupinsky, Professor. Instructor at Starfleet Academy in 2357. He taught the Combat Strategy class. In 2357 he was injured in an air vehicle accident and was laid up for a week. (Academy #1) Lynch, Professor. Instructor at Starfleet Academy in 2357. He taught the Prime Directive - Theories and Application class. (Academy #1) M'k'n'zy. Birth name of Starfleet officer Mackenzie Calhoun. (Bk I: page 6, 138) Main Worship Tower. Scenic spot on Nelkar in the city of Selinium, used for religious ceremonies. (Bk IV: page 22) main lounge. Officer's lounge, also called the Team Room, located on Deck 7 in the rear of the saucer section of Ambassador-class starships. The lounge had several tables where members of the crew could meet, have a drink, and relax. (Bk III: page 52) Mandylor V. Planet that was a member of the Thallonian Empire. In 2373, the Thallonian Alliance accused Si Cwan of crimes against the people of Thallon and other worlds in the former empire. They accused him of suppressing a rebellion on Mandylor V. (Bk IV: page 137)
Maxwell, Dr. Starfleet physician assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur in 2373. (Bk II: page 33, Bk III: page 62)
Meggan. Thallonian refugee, a young girl, that was transported to Nelkar by Captain Hufmin in 2373. (Bk IV: page 7) memory lamp. SEE: Shantzar. Meyer. Security officer assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur under the command of Captain Calhoun. Meyer was a slim, wiry man with piercing blue eyes. He was regarded as the quickest draw on the ship. In 2373, on stardate 50926, Meyer accompanied Lieutenant Lefler and Commander Shelby on an Away Team to escort the forty-eight Thallonian refugees from the Cambon to the surface of Nelkar. (Bk III: page 93) Mojov Station. Spaceport located on a class-M world. Mojov Station was a way station conveniently located near several frontiers. the station had a "No questions asked" policy which made it popular to those space travelers, merchants and criminals who would rather be left to their own devices. In 2373, Captain Picard found Mackenzie Calhoun on Mojov Station and was able to convince him to return to Starfleet. (Bk I: page 146) Mount Tulleah. SEE: Tulleah. (Bk IV: page 99) Nelkar. Class-M planet in sector 221-G of Federation space, home to the physically beautiful but morally corrupt Nelkarite civilization. (Bk III: page 10) Nelkarite ship. Large black starship with silver markings used by Laheera in 2373. The vessel boasted front and rear mounted phased plasma cannons. (Bk II: page 146-147, Bk III: page 5) Nelkarites. Technologically sophisticated species of sentient humanoids, of which Celter and Laheera were members. Nelkarites are a race of scavengers, their technology and architecture was a hodgepodge of many styles. They were often lazy and unmotivated, they piggybacked on accomplishments of others. They appeared angelically beautiful, were hairless, had golden skin, distended brows and their eyes had a purple sheen. Nelkar was their homeworld. (Bk III: page 98) neural inhibitor manacles. Special restraints that take neural energy sent to the restrained appendage and channel it back as raw energy. Zak Kebron broke these virtually unbreakable neural inhibitor manacles while he was held in a dungeon on Thallon in 2373. (Bk IV: page 66) Okur. Short, wide Nelkarite soldier. Okur was one of the guards posted outside of Laheera's office in the main government building in Selinium. He was also Laheera's lover. (Bk IV: page 41) Paige, Lieutenant. Starfleet Officer assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise-E in 2373. Paige manned the tactical station on the bridge when the ship ventured to Starbase Deep Space 5 to pick up Admiral Jellico. (Bk I: page 102) We don't know the gender of this character. Pamanian. Species of sentient humanoids. The Pamanians developed the weapon called the syzke. (Academy #1) People's Meeting Hall. New name given to the Thallonian royal family's throne room in Thallon by the new government that took power in 2373 after the monarchy was ousted. (Bk IV: page 109) pheremones.* Biochemicals secreted by many carbon-based life-forms whose sent affects the behavior of other members of the same or similar species. Many animals use pheromones for communication or to attract members of the opposite sex. Hermats are gifted with the ability to detect an elevated pheromone level in most races. The ability allows them to clue into to aroused sexual interest or desire. (Bk III: page 59) Picard, Captain Jean-Luc.* (Patrick Stewart). Starfleet officer who commanded the fifth and sixth Starships Enterprise. Picard was born in 2305. He commanded the U.S.S. Stargazer from 2335 to 2355. While still in the command of the Stargazer, Captain Picard journeyed to Xenex and presided at the Federation-hosted meeting in 2353 between the Danteri and Xenexian peoples. M'k'n'zy and D'ndai represented Xenex and Bragonier represented Danteri interests. (Bk I: page 44) In late 2373, the Thallonian Empire collapsed and a meeting was held aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-E to discuss how Starfleet should respond to the potentially volatile situation. Present at this Thallonian Summit were Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Riker, Admirals Nechayev and Jellico, former Thallonian prince Lord Si Cwan, Danteri Ambassador Ryjaan, and the 143-year-old Ambassador Spock. At the meeting, it was decided to send in a lone starship, the U.S.S. Excalibur, into the former Thallonian to render aid when necessary, to report back on the situation as it unfolded and to show the Federation flag in that unstable area. Over Admiral Jellico's objections, the command of the Excalibur was given to Captain Calhoun. Picard tracked down Mackenzie Calhoun on Mojov Station and was able to convince him to return to Starfleet. (Bk I: page 102) Pit, The. Strange area of the desert 30 miles across that is normally avoided by Xenexians. The Pit was beset by strange weather patterns including dust storms and torrents of rain. The site was also the location of a rift in reality, a sort of intersection of multiple realities that would drift in and out. The Pit was the site for the Search for Allways. (Bk I: page 6, 8) Plains of Seanwin. Area on planet Xenex which was the location of a defeat of the Danteri during the Xenexian Rebellion. At Seanwin, Xenexian forces lead by M'k'n'zy outflanked the and obliterated five Danteri squadrons. (Bk I: page 12) plasma blaster. Directed energy hand weapon. Plasma blasters caused particularly unpleasant deaths. The Thallonian crew of the converted science vessel Kayven Ryin carried plasma blasters as sidearms. (Bk III: page 73) poker.* Traditional Earth card game of chance and wills. Mackenzie Calhoun learned poker while aboard the Starship Grissom and was very good at it due to his aptitude at bluffing. Poker was similar to the card game six-hand warhoon. (Bk II: page 48) Pon farr.* Vulcan term for the time of mating. Although Vulcans live strictly by the dictates of logic, their veneer of civilization is ripped away from them during Pon farr, every seven years of their adult life. The individual experiencing Pon farr will stop eating and sleeping if not allowed to return home to mate. Spock underwent Pon farr in 2267 and returned to Vulcan only to be spurned by his betrothed, T'Pring. ("Amok Time" [TOS]). In 2371, Starfleet physician Dr. Selar entered Pon farr. She and her husband Voltak met on Vulcan to consummate their Pon farr, but Voltak died of a massive coronary during the attempt to conceive. (Bk I: page 85) Since her time of mating was not fully satisfied in 2371, Selar entered Pon farr again in 2373. (Bk III: page 60, Bk IV: page 101) Prime Directive.* Also known as Starfleet General Order #1. The Prime Directive mandates that Starfleet personnel and spacecraft are prohibited from interfering in the normal development of any society, and that any vessel or crew member is expendable to prevent violation of this rule. Adopted early in Starfleet history, the Prime Directive was a key part of Starfleet and Federation policy towards newly discovered civilizations, but it was one of the most difficult to administer. ("A Piece of the Action" [TOS]). In most cases, the Prime Directive applied to any civilization that had not yet developed the use of warp drive for interstellar travel. According to the tenets of the Prime Directive, any non-Federation persons must be allowed to go wherever they pleased, even if they chose to enter dangerous situations. (Bk IV: page 9) Prometheus Run. Starfleet Academy holodeck created life-and-death training exercise disguised as a routine maintenance visit to the Prometheus automated station. The 2357 Prometheus Run prompted Worf and Zak Kebron to become friends. (Academy #1) Prometheus. Artificial satellite located at the outer edge of the Sol system. It was used as a first alert station in case of attack. Fully automated. (Academy #1) Respler IV-A. Planet that was a member of the Thallonian Empire. In 2373, the Thallonian Alliance accused Si Cwan of crimes against the people of Thallon and other worlds in the former empire. They accused him of the execution of dissidents on Respler IV-A. (Bk IV: page 137) Rest World. Name given to the planet Thallon by the most learned and mystic of the elders. Thallon was considered a great source of power in Danterian holy books. (Bk II: page 59) Ricca IV. Planet that was home to a type of avian life-form known as a flamebird. (Bk IV: page 137) Rimbor Engagement. Name given to the 2264 space battle between the U.S.S. Farragut and three Klingon vessels. The Farragut sustained heavy casualties, 79 dead and 83 injured. The crew of the starship managed to disable one Klingon vessel and barely escape. (Academy #1) Rojam. Thallonian man that served aboard Zoran's ship the Kayven Ryin. Rojam disliked Si Cwan, but was not as unhinged as Zoran in his quest to see Si Cwan dead. Years ago, Rojam, Zoran, Juif and Si Cwan used to be an inseparable quartet of friends. (Bk III: page 12) Ryjaan. Squat and bulky Danterian man who was ambassador to the Federation. Ryjaan was present at the Thallonian Summit held aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-E. Ryjaan was the son of Falkar of the House of Edins. He dealt with D'ndai quite a bit regarding Xenex. Ryjaan wanted to reap great benefits from Thallon and didn't want interference from Mackenzie. Ryjaan worked together with Zoran, D'ndai and Yoz in an attempt to rid themselves of Si Cwan and Mackenzie Calhoun who they believed might interfere with their plans to forge a coalition of Thallon, Danter and Xenex that might eventually rival the Federation. (Bk I: page 115, Bk II: page 53, Bk IV: page 87, 164) s/he. Pronoun used to refer to members of species possessed of both sexes, such as Hermats. S/he, pronounced SS-hee, replaces the masculine pronoun 'he' and feminine pronoun 'she.' Scotch whiskey.* Also called scotch. A strong alcoholic liquor distilled from malted barley, originating in Scotland on Earth. Legendary engineer Montgomery Scott was very fond of scotch. In 2371, while on shore leave on Argelius II, Lieutenant Burgoyne met legendary engineer Captain Montgomery Scott. The two talked and Scott introduced Burgoyne to real Scots whiskey, which Burgoyne continues to favor. (Bk III: page 54)
Scott, Montgomery.* (James Doohan). In 2371, while on shore leave on Argelius II, Lieutenant Burgoyne met legendary engineer Captain Montgomery Scott. The two talked and Scott introduced Burgoyne to real Scots whiskey, which Burgoyne continues to favor. Burgoyne accused Scotty of hiding from the rest of the galaxy and of being gutless. Afterwards Scotty left the planet, leaving behind a bottle of Scotch for Burgoyne with a note that read "You're right." (Bk III: page 55)New Frontier author Peter David collaborated with James Doohan on the actor's autobiography, Beam Me Up, Scotty: Star Trek's 'Scotty' - In His Own Words Seanwin. SEE: Plains of Seanwin. Search for Allways. Rite of passage among Xenexian youth that was widely practiced centuries ago. When a Xenexian reached a certain age, usually thirteen years old, he or she would venture into the Pit with provisions and water for a single day. They would then wander the Pit until they experienced visions of their future which would help them come to understand their true purpose in life. In modern times, Xenexian parents are usually successful in dissuading their children not to attempt the Search for Allways. M'k'n'zy of Calhoun experienced the rite in 2347, but he had no visions. (Bk I: page 9) sector 221-G. Federation designation for the area of space in the Alpha Quadrant in which the planet Thallon is located. (Bk I: page 125) sector 221-H. Federation designation for the area of space in the Alpha Quadrant containing the Danterian Empire, and the planet Xenex. (Bk I: page 114) security access code.* Commander Elizabeth Shelby: "Alpha Gamma Alpha." (Bk IV: page 110)
Selinium. Capital city of the planet Nelkar. The governor of Selinium in late 2373 was Celter, but he was overthrown and slain, to be replaced by Aziza. (Bk IV: page 5) There was a small consistency error in the New Frontier books concerning Selinium. In Book Four on page 15, it is stated that a section of the city has 500,000 people in it, however it was stated earlier in Book Three, page 96 that the total population of the city was not more than 100,000. Shantzar. Vulcan memory lamp used as a tribute to the memory of a loved one or to remind one of a profound loss. Shantzars were typically about 30 centimeters tall and glowed bright blue. Selar was profoundly affected by the death of her husband, Voltak, in 2371, and for a number of years she lit a Shantzar in his memory. (Bk III: page 103)
Shir. Bi-gendered honorific used for members of species possessed of both sexes, such as Hermats. Shir, pronounced "sher", replaces the masculine 'Sir' and feminine 'Ma'am.' Si Cwan. Prince within the former Thallonian Empire. Si Cwan was a stubborn, egotistical, even-handed, confident, arrogant fair-minded, and compassionate man. Si Cwan was a very attractive man. He stood over six feet tall, had dark red skin, a shaved head, an outthrust jaw, a thin beard coming to a point, and spiral tattoos on his forehead. (Bk I: page 58, 114) He had a younger sister, Kallinda, which he loved very much. He called her by the nickname, "Kally." After the fall of the Thallonian Empire in 2373, Si Cwan and Kallinda were to meet at a certain place. Kallinda didn't show up and Si Cwan feared the worst. Zoran Si Verdin used Si Cwan's love for his sister to lure him into a trap. He cared very much for his people and they, by and large, liked him, particularly due to his fairness. In 2363 Ensign Soleta was arrested for trespassing on Thallon. Si Cwan stepped in and helped Ambassador Spock break her out of the dungeon. In late 2373, a meeting was held aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-E to discuss how Starfleet should respond to the potentially volatile situation created by the fall of the Thallonian Empire. Present at this Thallonian Summit were Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Riker, Admirals Nechayev and Jellico, former Thallonian prince Lord Si Cwan, Ambassador Ryjaan, and the 143-year-old Ambassador Spock. At the meeting, it was decided to send in a lone starship, the U.S.S. Excalibur, into the former Thallonian to render aid when necessary, to report back on the situation as it unfolded and to show the Federation flag in that unstable area. Over Admiral Jellico's objections, the command of the Excalibur was given to Captain Calhoun. (Bk I: page 102) Si Cwan decided he must find a place aboard the Excalibur, so he ventured to earth to called in Soleta's debt to him. She reluctantly agreed and arranged for him to stow away aboard the Excalibur via her luggage. Once aboard the starship, Soleta told Captain Calhoun, and Si Cwan was detained in the brig. After due consideration, Calhoun allowed Si Cwan to stay aboard the ship as a guide to Sector 221-G. On stardate 50926.1, Zoran Si Verdin, aboard the Kayven Ryin sent a false distress call to lure Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. The runabout Marquand with Lieutenant Zak Kebron and Lord Si Cwan aboard, was sent to help. In an attempt to kill Si Cwan, Zoran opened fire on the Marquand. The runabout was destroyed, but Zak and Si Cwan managed to secretly beam aboard the Kayven Ryin. Aboard the Kayven Ryin, Si Cwan and Zoran fought. Zoran retreated via an escape pod and left a thermite bomb behind. The Kayven Ryin was destroyed with Kebron and Cwan aboard, but the two were rescued at the last minute by Mackenzie Calhoun's brother, D'ndai. Kebron and Si Cwan were taken to Thallon and thrown in a dungeon. The new provisional Thallonian government accused Si Cwan of crimes against the people of Thallon and other worlds in the former empire, and also of murdering Falkar, and they held a show trail of him. Si Cwan was released when Calhoun declared he was the one had killed Falkar. Also, the trial was regarded as unimportant since Thallon was evacuated due to its imminent destruction as the Great Bird of the Galaxy broke free from within the planet. Si Cwan remained aboard the Starship Excalibur. Sigma Tau Ceti. Planet on the rim of the former Thallonian Empire. Sigma Tau Ceti was the intended destination of the freighter Cambon in 2373 when Hufmin transported 48 Thallonian refugees out of the rapidly crumbling empire. (Bk II: page 137) sinkhole. Geologically unstable portion of a planet's crust. Thallon's surface suffered more and more frequent sinkhole formations as it approached its breakup in 2373 when the Great Bird of the Galaxy emerged from within the planet. (Bk IV: page 122) six-card warhoon. SEE: warhoon. Skarm. Thallonian soldier who served aboard the science vessel Kayven Ryin. In 2373, just before their runabout Marquand was destroyed, Lieutenant Zak Kebron and Si Cwan beamed aboard the Kayven Ryin. Skarm and a fellow guard, Atol, attempted to capture them but were killed in the attempt. (Bk III: page 73)
staiteium. Very dense metal with exceptional tensile strength. The metal is used in constructing walls and doors that must stand up to extreme force. (Bk IV: page 67)
Starfleet Academy.* Soleta taught there for 8 years, from 2365 to 2373. (Bk I: page 164, Bk III: page 50) Starfleet Regulations.* Section C-5 deals with hostage scenario resolution. (Bk IV: page 1)
Succor. An ancient Vulcan rite by which one Vulcan formally asks another to help them with some matter without telling the nature of the problem, or what that obligation binds them to. One does not request Succor lightly because traditionally such a request cannot be refused. Selar asked Soleta for Succor in 2373 to help her deal with a recent flood of emotions she began to experience. Selar later learned that the cause was the unexpected onset of Pon farr. (Bk III: page 104) Sulak. Superintendent at Starfleet Academy in 2357, the time when the "Dream Team" attended. (Academy #1)
syzke. Pamanian hand-to-hand combat weapon. A simple, yet very effective weapon, the syzke consisted of a long staff with shredded sheets of heavy cloth at each end. (Academy #1) Team Room. SEE: main lounge. Telemioistis. A disease which affects Vulcans. The early symptoms of Telemioistis are very similar to those of Bendii Syndrome or Hibbs Disease. (Bk III: page 106) Tellarites.* The Tellarites developed a form of starship cloaking technology (Bk III: page 98)
Thallon. Class-M planet in sector 221-G, home to the Thallonian civilization and former seat of the once powerful Thallonian Empire. Thallon had purple skies. Several thousand years ago a powerful, star-spanning civilization, sometimes called the Uber race, begins to deposit criminals, unsavory individuals and political exiles on the planet Thallon. At the time, the planet was believed to be a cold, infertile world. These people were sent to Thallon in large space arks, and were not expected to survive. The planet proved very fertile due to the store of pure energy caused by the dormant Great Bird of the Galaxy that resided within the planet. In 2373 the legendary Great Bird of the Galaxy emerged from the Thallon causing the planet to crack like an egg. (Bk I: page 55, Bk II: page 59, Bk IV: page 167) Thallonian Alliance. Proposed name for the new government of the former Thallonian Empire. The name was never formally adopted by the provisional government body because Thallon was destroyed in 2373 by the emergence of the Great Bird of the Galaxy that resided within the planet. (Bk IV: page 131) Thallonian Empire. Oppressive arrogant regime encompassing many systems in Sector 221-G. The Empire was ruled with an iron hand by the Thallonian royal family until the regime was toppled in 2373 with help of individuals with the and Xenexian governments. (Bk I: page 56)
Thallonian riding steed. Large six-legged animal indigenous to the planet Thallon. (Bk I: page 58) Thallonian Summit. In late 2373, the Thallonian Empire collapsed and a meeting was held aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-E to discuss how Starfleet should respond to the potentially volatile situation. Present at this Thallonian Summit were Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Riker, Admirals Nechayev and Jellico, former Thallonian prince Lord Si Cwan, Ambassador Ryjaan, and the 143-year-old Ambassador Spock. At the meeting, it was decided to send in a lone starship, the U.S.S. Excalibur, into the former Thallonian to render aid when necessary, to report back on the situation as it unfolded and to show the Federation flag in that unstable area. Over Admiral Jellico's objections, the command of the Excalibur was given to Captain Calhoun. (Bk I: page 102) Thallonians. Technologically sophisticated species of sentient humanoids from the planet Thallon, of which Si Cwan was a member. They were dark red skinned people with protruding brows, small eyes and arched eyebrows. The Thallonian people descended from criminals, unsavory individuals and political exiles that were deposited on the planet Thallon several thousand years ago by the powerful, star-spanning civilization known as the Uber race. At the time, the planet was believed to be a cold, infertile world. These people were sent to Thallon in large space arks, and were not expected to survive. The planet proved very fertile due to the store of pure energy caused by the dormant Great Bird of the Galaxy that resided within the planet. The Thallonian royal family ascended to power by devising the Great Machines that tapped the planet's energy-rich crust. (Bk IV: page 28) (Bk II: page 112) (Bk IV: page 93) thermite bomb.* Zoran Si Verdin, Rojam and Juif set a superheated thermite bomb on the starship Kayven Ryin with Si Cwan and Zak Kebron aboard in an attempt to kill Si Cwan. The bomb blew up the ship, but Si Cwan and Kebron were rescued at the last minute by D'ndai, brother of Mackenzie Calhoun. (Bk III: page 140, Bk IV: page 81)
Torelli. Starfleet engineer's mate assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur in 2373 while under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. (Bk II: page 99) Tulleah. Very high mountain located in the sweeping Gondi desert on Vulcan. Dr. Selar used a holodeck representation of Tulleah, aboard the Excalibur, in an attempt to seek spiritual comfort when she unexpectedly entered Pon farr in 2373. (Bk IV: page 99) Uber race. Name given to the powerful, star-spanning civilization that began to deposit criminals, unsavory individuals and political exiles on the planet Thallon several thousand years ago. At the time, the planet was believed to be a cold, infertile world. These people were sent to Thallon in large space arks, and were not expected to survive. The planet proved very fertile due to the store of pure energy caused by the dormant Great Bird of the Galaxy that resided within the planet. (Bk II: page 112) vision. Precognitive dream-like experience. While in the Pit during his Search for Allways, M'k'n'zy of Calhoun had a vision in which he saw that Captain Picard and later Elizabeth Shelby would in the future be important in his life. (Bk IV: page 148)
Vulcan.* Technologically sophisticated humanoid species native to planet Vulcan. Vulcan society is based entirely on logic and any trappings of emotion are considered to be socially unacceptable. Starfleet officers Soleta and Selar and Federation Ambassador Spock were Vulcans. (Bk IV: page 99) warhoon. Card game which used six cards in a hand. Warhoon was very similar to poker, and Mackenzie Calhoun was a very good warhoon player. (Bk I: page 144) Watson, Polly. Starfleet officer who in 2373 was assigned to the engineering department of the U.S.S. Excalibur. Watson manned the transporter room when Calhoun beamed over to confer with his brother, on D'ndai's ship. (Bk IV: page 106, 165) Worf.* (Michael Dorn). Worf attended Starfleet Academy in 2357 along with Zak Kebron, Mark McHenry, Soleta and Tania Tobias. Worf and the Klingon-hating Brikarian Zak Kebron had a serious fight on the first day at the Academy. The Dean of Students at the Academy, Admiral Fincher, assigned them as roommates in order for them to learn to be more tolerant. The five cadets were often called the "dream team" because their various talents and temperaments complimented one another and they were quite effective at the various missions they were sent on together. Worf and Kebron became friends even though neither would openly admit their mutual respect. Tania Tobias had a large crush on Worf during the first year, but was unrequited. (Academy #1) ![]() Xenexians. Sentient humanoid civilization from the planet Xenex of which Mackenzie Calhoun and D'ndai were members. They are a bronze skinned fiercely proud and independent people. Xenexians are considered adults at the age of thirteen. The Xenexians were conquered by the Danterians around 2053 but they overthrew them in 2353 after a rebellion that lasted several years. After their revolution, the Xenexians were ruled by power-loving and self-serving men such as D'ndai, brother of Mackenzie Calhoun. Xenex in 2373 was free in name only, as the Danterians then controlled Xenex in a more insidious manner. (Bk I: page 9, Bk IV: page 93) Yates. Starfleet engineer assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur. Yates was part of Chief Engineer Burgoyne's repair team sent to the damaged freighter Cambon in 2373. (Bk II: page 36, 139) Yoz. Massively built Thallonian man who was Lord Chancellor within the Thallonian Empire. Yoz worked together with Ryjaan, D'ndai and Zoran in an attempt to rid themselves of Si Cwan and Mackenzie Calhoun who they believed might interfere with their plans to forge a coalition of Thallon, Danter and Xenex that might eventually rival the Federation. (Bk I: page 58, Bk IV: page 88, 108, 162) yukka chips. Delicious, green, curved, wafer-like fingerfood that was a Thallonian delicacy. While visiting Thallon in 2373, Lieutenant Mark McHenry took a liking to yukka chips. (Bk IV: page 130) Zak. SEE: Kebron, Lieutenant Zak. Zantos. Planet that was home to a garrulous, ill-tempered civilization. Starfleet steered clear of Zantos after the leader of a landing party was captured and castrated years ago. (Bk II: page 14) Zantosian ale. A potent distilled spirit originating on the reclusive planet of Zantos. Zantosian ale was considered by many to be superior to Romulan ale. (Bk II: page 14) Zina. Orion slave girl who had once belonged to Krassus until his death in 2373. Zina was acquired by Krassus in 2372, but instead of selling her as he intended, he took a liking to her and kept her. (Bk I: page 145) Zoran Si Verdin. Thallonian man that along with Rojam and Juif once were inseparable friends of Lord Si Cwan. Years later Zoran grew to hate Si Cwan for turning his back on the decadent royal court of the Thallonian Empire. Zoran became almost insane in his hatred for Si Cwan especially resenting Si Cwan for clinging to the moral high ground. Zoran worked together with Ryjaan, D'ndai and Yoz in an attempt to rid themselves of Si Cwan and Mackenzie Calhoun who they believed might interfere with their plans to forge a coalition of Thallon, Danter and Xenex that might eventually rival the Federation. On stardate 50926.1, Zoran Si Verdin, aboard the Kayven Ryin sent a false distress call to lure Captain Mackenzie Calhoun. The runabout Marquand with Lieutenant Zak Kebron and Lord Si Cwan aboard, was sent to help. In an attempt to kill Si Cwan, Zoran opened fire on the Marquand. The runabout was destroyed, but Zak and Si Cwan managed to secretly beam aboard the Kayven Ryin. Aboard the Kayven Ryin, Si Cwan and Zoran fought. Zoran retreated via an escape pod and left a thermite bomb behind. The Kayven Ryin was destroyed with Kebron and Cwan aboard, but the two were rescued at the last minute by Mackenzie Calhoun's brother, D'ndai. (Bk II: page 30, 151, Bk IV: page 177, Bk III: page 12, 138)
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